Should an expert witness just rely on their report in preparing for court?
An expert witness provides an opinion or factual information on their specialised knowledge of forensic accounting in court proceedings (Professions AU, 2016) . The expert will show special expertise in forensic accounting and will deliver the findings to be understood by a layman. Thus, they would explain complex or technical issues in a way that everyone would understand. A good expert witness should deliver their findings and opinions without objectivity or bias, whilst simultaneously proving to the jurors that their interpretation is the right one (Synchronics Group, 2010) . Expert witness must follow the rules set by the Federal Court of Law and APES 215. I strongly disagree with the statement that if the report is structure well – then there is no real need for any other preparation. Whilst having a comprehensive report is essential, understanding and knowing the facts back to front are important when going up against barristers. Preparedness is the un...